Thursday, December 27, 2012

New year resolution; More usable slots

Karma Logistics wishes all our friends, colleagues in the Distribution sector a great 2013.

Every day, in your/our warehouses, we are looking for MORE usable slots (faces). Just ask your inventory staff.

Look for products that are no longer selling.

we take 1 or 2 months of actual order pick data. Look for those SKU's that have stopped moving.

see graph below.

of these slow or NO movers, we concentrate on those '0 Hits", meaning we have sold ZERO cases in the last 2 months.  If you have a seasonality pattern, please ignore this discussion. In the graph above, we have highlighted sku's that sell 0 or 1 or 2 or 3 cases.  Look at the left most part of the graph.  We have approximately 30 sku's with '0 hits"

These '0 hit' sku's occupy slots, they increase travel time.

If we ask you to drastically change the layout, you will not agree.

How about buying some extra cross beams?

In the example above, we have illustrated 3 picking levels below and reserve levels above.
We recommend , installing additional cross beams at the first Reserve level.
Say this reserve slot is 50" high.  The cross beam is about 4" high.
50" - 4" = 46";  Divide into 2 halves; we get 2 slots with 23" height.

We recommend moving those '0 hits' items from their normal pick slots to these new slots in the first reserve slot. Since these slots are shorter, select only those sku's that have 3 or 4 cases on hand.

You gain -
  • More usable slots in the Pick levels
  • Move '0 hit' item to a less desirable slot
  • positive impact on picking travel time

And you should make this a monthly once activity..

of course, there are other ways to manage these '0 hits' also.
By sending them to appropriate charities and taking a tax write-off
Or selling them in non-competing retail channels.

Or when your accountant is on vacation, dumping them in the nearest dumpster. (keep this as a secret)

Watch for more recommendations in the coming new year 2013.

We provide 3D modeling, Profiling, Slotting, Built-in simulations.
and a weekly reslotting service that keeps your DC in the best shape. Every week

Happy holidays..

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Benefit from these 10 features in our slotting service

Did you know that we employ 10 key features to improve your warehouse slotting productivity?

1.0   3D model with inventory information.

2.0   Built-in Order Picking simulation.

3.0   BEST-FIT heuristics to determine the BEST bulk storage and rack storage solutions for your inventory.

4.0  Layered slotting with high productivity without congestion.

5.0  Our order picking simulation calculates step-by-step travel segments. You can build Engineered labor standards for picking using these accurate travel distances.

6.0  Slotting, Simulation and 3D model functions are inter-related.

7.0  Software is metric-enabled and hence applicable world-wide.

8.0  Built-in layout design and slot-numbering modules.

9.0  Low-cost weekly re-slotting service keeps your DC finely tuned.

10.0  We offer a simple 'data-bridge' to connect to your facilities WMS, Home-grown or SAP .

You can also view the You Tube video below

Monday, August 6, 2012

Double productivity increase - with Best-fit cube and Layered slotting

Most of us that work in the warehousing sector are constantly looking for ways to make it more efficient. 

Do you know why? There are many reasons. But one key reason is that in a Warehouse, we do not increase the VALUE of the product. Both Warehousing and transportation add COSTS to the product.

As SKU’s keep increasing, we keep expanding the sq.feet size of the facility. As we increase the size of the warehouse, it is natural for the order picking costs to increase also. But we know many simple techniques to reduce these costs.

A key culprit – Travel Time

The graphic below shows that about 60% of the total picking time OR inbound put-away time, consists of travel time. This 60% ratio is typical for warehouses in the 100,000 to 150,000 sq.feet range.

If your DC is in the range of 200,000 to 450,000 sq.feet, you can easily assume that 75% of the picking time in your DC is just travel time. As the DC increases in size, we must take a serious look at the cube utilization.

Are we using the correct slot sizes?

Pallet Rack storage (and Bins)

In the graphic below,

** The left most rack design is the most flexible size and is also the most inefficient cube design.
** The right most rack design, gives the best cube design, but is also the most in-flexible.
** Hence, is the rack design shown in the middle provides both flexibility and cube efficiency – to an extent. 

At Karma Logistics, we take your entire inventory of SKU’s, with their Carton dimensions and pallet HI and TI, and heuristically search for the BEST-FIT rack slot sizes.

Bulk storage

If your warehouse is supporting a manufacturing facility, with products palletized and stored directly on the floor (Bulk storage), we take into account the stackabilty of the pallet, pallet dimensions, and aisle dimensions and find the BEST-Case for the storage depth. We search from 3 deep to 24 deep storage configurations to reduce the space loss due to ‘honey-combing”.

Karma Logistics uses these BEST-FIT heuristics to find the BEST options for your DC, based on your inventory and customer orders.  We will not design a layout for your DC based on what we did for another DC with completely different product profiles.

And our built-in order picking simulations makes our technique stand out in our industry. See short simulation video at

Here are the steps to achieve good slotting results.

Step 1.  We start with the outer-most rectangle in the graphic above. Let that represent our current layout.

Step 2.  Using our BEST-FIT heuristic, we find the BEST-FIT slots for our layout. This will also shrink the overall effective region of the layout.

Step 3.  Now, we do the slotting based on HITS (and other criteria like, Family, Case height etc)

Step 4.  To avoid congestion in FAST aisles, we suggest a staggered slotting of ‘A” items across 
different aisles, closer to the dock

Step 5. Not shown in the graphic. As we slot the ‘A” items, we need to maintain enough stock in the pick slot to support 1 or 2 shift pick volume. Otherwise, we will run out of products during the middle of a picking shift. This will demand stock replenishment and also cause partial picks.

Customer testimonial

O & M has been more than satisfied with the results of the software. The big push to finish the project in 18 months has paid off for O & M. Since implementation in all facilities, productivity has improved by 35 percent. “Not all of the improvement can be attributed to the software. However, we recognize that DCO software played a pivotal role in the large productivity gains we have enjoyed.”

Read the full article at this link below:

Slotting made easy – with 3D modeling

YouTube Video - 3D Modeling

We can help you look at your DC, like no one else can.

Karma Logistics uses these BEST-FIT heuristics to find the BEST options for your DC, based on your inventory and customer orders.  We will not design a layout for your DC based on what we did for another DC with completely different product profiles. And our built-in order picking simulations makes our technique stand out in our industry.

Our advanced slotting techniques provides these 3 results;

      1.0  Slot the SKU, based on its attributes and velocity, in the right place in the layout.

      2.0  Slot the SKU in the Right size slot

      3.0  Slot enough pick units to support picking demand in 1 or more shifts.

And we do this with our field-tested software.

651-631-8622 Minnesota

Monday, July 23, 2012

A video on 3D modeling your DC

Karma Logistics Inc, is adding a new dimension to improving DC productivity.

Yes, we are. Going from 2D to 3D.

Adding that extra dimension makes your DC graphic come 'live'. The same functionality that we used to on a 2D drawing - slotting, simulation, Cube analysis etc are shown beautifully in a 3D model.

This YouTube inserted here shows the Functions and benefits of our 3D model.

What DATA do we need to create a LIVE model of your DC?

Data Requirements

WE connect our Application to connect to your server and download the necessary data, as frequently as we need. We process this data. Then send the results back to the 3D model application using a wired or WiFi environment.


Karma Logistics Inc
Minnesota USA and Bangalore India

More about Karma Logistics at

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

WarehouseIQ - a resource for distribution professionals

WarehouseIQ - an internet based information source.  You may have heard about this great service to our industry. Think of this site, as a one-stop starting point for information.

We at Karma Logistics, have been partnering with WarehouseIQ.  In a recent website cover page, they have described our newest warehouse tool - 3D model of your warehouse on a IPad.

3D model - showing current onhand inventory

3D image inside an IPad
Thank you for visiting the WarehouseIQ site.

Karma Logistics Inc

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Do you have any of these 8 common symptoms in your DC?

How do we know that you (your DC that is) may be suffering from some of the above symptoms.
Note, that we said "symptoms". Hence, the root cause is somewhere else.

As our economy (the US) is trying to come out of the 'ditch', we have new issues to worry about.

1.  The distribution channel mix is not what it used to be.

2.  Facebook is now used for individual product promotion.

3.  Product proliferation (and hence SKU growth) is at full speed to grab the attention of the shopper.

4.  Major distributors -like Wal Mart, Target are taking away sales from the traditional Grocery distributors.

5.  Best Buy ( and before that Circuit city ) stores are being used as Show rooms and people eventually buy from Amazon and other on-line distributors.

6.  A major Food distributor like Supervalu, after years of buying up many competing chains, announces that it is 'FOR SALE".

7.  Some of the Wal-Mart shoppers are switching to Dollar Stores.

What is a Warehouse Operator to do?

If you examined your layout, operations just last month, it is time to do it again.

We help DC's by Profiling the Inventory and Customer orders, every week.
And we keep making incremental slotting changes based on that.

Optimum vs Flexible designs

An optimum design sounds good. That it will yield the lowest cost of operations. But 
such an optimum design is based on 'today's conditions' and 'our best guess on what tomorrow will bring. If those assumptions do not materialize, then the 'optimum' design will start costing more. And after sometime, it will begin to have major operational problems also.

A flexible design on the other hand, may cost few dollars more, but will continue to weather many unknowns in our marketplace.

Here is a graphic that explains the difference between optimum and flexible designs.

Thank you for reading this BLOG.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Put your layout, inventory onhand info to good use

In our previous blog, we described new visual technologies to improve your DC operations and its productivity.

We showed you this graphics image below.

Key benefits of this 3D model graphics to you and others in your DC organization

1.  make it easier to visualize your DC.

Besides the Warehouse Manager, Supervisor, Inventory analyst, share the same information visually with your Buyers, Re-buyers, merchandisers.

You as a DC manager are only responsible for the cost of the DC operations and its productivity.

Unfortunately, you have no direct say in how they are purchased, how they are ordered by the customers etc.

You allow everyone to see the Item catalog list etc.  Why not show them, the current on-hand info visually. It may change their re-order process, promotional set-ups etc.

2.  What do we need to create a similar 3D graphics for your warehouse(s).

we need your layout drawings, plan views, elevations and 3 data-bases.

Data Bases:   (1) Item Master  (2) Order pick data  (3) current on-hand inventory in all slots

This link below has full details.

3.  How long will it take to make these graphics and the process for your DC?

may take between 1 week to 4 weeks; based on your DC's complexity and your needs.

4.  How much will it cost?

To make cost estimates, please send a layout drawing of your DC and answers to the 3 questions below

    4.1  Size of your DC in sq.feet or sq.meters

    4.2  Number of active SKU's slotted in the DC

    4.3  Number of warehouse staff (without admin. and clerical support staff)

5.  WiFi or No WiFi

Do you have a WiFi environment inside the DC?

     This helps to mount IPad's (and other Tablets) to be mounted on Forklifts or displayed at other places.  If you have only a Wired environment, fine, you can use it in desktop PC environments.

6.  IPad's and other Tablets.

There are many APPS that allow your Ipad to connect to a Windows-based PC's.

One well-known APP is called "LogMeIn".

You may be in-charge of a facility in El Segundo (Los Angeles Calif) and on a visit to Rio De Janeiro in Brazil. Thanks to LogMeIn and your IPad, you will remain connected.

On WiFi environments, we suggest a every-5-minute refresh of the data.

7.  So far, this is just the basics.  We have not talked about Profiling, Best-Fit layouts for both bulk storage and pallet rack, HITS analysis, design forward pick slots to minimize travel incurred in picking and replenishment.

8.  We have not talked about - how we will keep your DC at its best, with our low cost weekly slotting service.

Few more 3D graphics for you to enjoy.

Hits analysis - which items are moving

a close-up view with ITEM and SLOT details
Seen on a IPad screen
Our weekly slotting service

Thursday, June 21, 2012

A 'live' view of your warehouse on your PC, Laptop, IPad

    Imagine a live 3D view of your DC showing actual ITEMS, their onhand in formation.

    Imagine this information in the hands of your inbound putaway forklift drivers

    Imagine this information in the hands of your replenishment forklift drivers

  Imagine no more.

  Karma Logistics Inc, wants you to be the first to learn about this graphical technology.

  We can prepare these 3D models for your warehouse now.

  Plus, we can also tell you, how well you are using your Cube in the DC

  Plus, for your given inventory and the current layout, what is the BEST combination of slot heights.

  Watch this space next week for all the details.   

Saturday, May 26, 2012

We know how to fix our DC's but we are 'boxed in" with no way out

Dear fellow warehouse practitioners,

We start this edition of our BLOG with a set of 4 questions.
DC stands for Distribution Center.

Please, answer the following 4 questions.

1. My DC is boxed-in with poor slotting, poor labor productivity
a. Yes
b. No

2. We know how to improve our performance. We don’t need any outside help.
a. Yes
b. No

3. But we cannot do anything, because we are in a jam.
a. Yes
b. No

4. We do not have any funding to make large scale layout changes
a. Yes
b. No

Just in case, you have answered “YES” to all the 4 questions,  join the vast majority of DC’s across the Logistics World that share your feelings.

We all know that a good layout and slotting cuts down travel time and increases productivity.

Where do we go now for more improvement? How can we improve our performance with ZERO capital funds available? We are assuming that you have some ‘operating funds” available

Do you have slotting situations like the 2 above pictures in your DC?
Picture on the left: an extreme case of bad slotting.
Picture on the right: Innovative use of reserve storage. Putting 3 small pallets one on top of the other.

In this graphic, the green color represents the CROSS BEAM.  The most common length of this cross beam is 96” and the vertical thickness is usually around 4” to 6” (in the US). But you can buy these cross beams in any length and thickness you want.

We will be discussing the rest of this article about these cross-beams and how they influence the vertical height of the slot (and the total cube of the slot).

When the DC was first constructed or when it was last remodeled, the location of these cross beams were assigned.

Flexible versus Optimum – which is better?

Designing Flexibility in a design comes with a cost. The rack design shown above [left most] is a Flexible design. You are able to fit a wide variety of products. Often such a slotting scheme will maintain a clearance of 60” in each level. But, you get only 3 levels.

Optimum design 

The rack design shown above [right most] can be considered as an efficient design, tailored to the needs of the current inventory. It has 7 levels. Compared to just 3 levels in the Flexible design.

Which is better?

We don’t know. We must examine different options and actually fit the existing inventory. Is that the design shown in the middle.

Karma Logistics is introducing a new technique to find the Best-fit slot openings for your DC and at the same time, maintain a degree of flexibility.  If you are interested in improving your cube efficiency and hence the picking productivity, please contact us.

Where do we start?

We first analyse your current slot openings.

Our analysis will prepare a list of all the slot openings you have. And this will be compared against the correct number and types of slot openings we need.

As we prepare the slot moves and the slot adjustments, we will emphasize FAST MOVERS located in a bad area plus slotted in a wrong slot size. But before that, we will work on your SLOW ITEMS occupying PREMIUM SLOTS. We will first move the SLOW movers. This will create empty slots. We then look at FAST movers and move them to the SLOTS of the correct size in the premium locations.

Before we conclude this BLOG, we want to restate an old axiom for DC's.

The picture below is an attempt to show a DC made up of ICE BLOCKS. Instead of having real products, pretend that they are all made up of similar sized ice blocks.

[See picture below]

Now pretend that it is a hot day in June and the outside temperature is over 90 degrees F.
And all the ice blocks have melted. And we carefully collected all the melted water and stored them over the warehouse floor.

Question:  How high will this water be, from the floor?

Answers:  1.  20 feet high.    2.   15 feet high    3.  10 feet high  4. 2 feet high   5.  11" high

The correct answer is closer to 11" high.  

Why look at CUBE efficiency?

We only pick cases. But our asset is really CUBEs.

Using the Karma Logistics technique, 

1.0  we will help you find the correct sizes and numbers of slots.

2.0  we will make sure that the available cases in the pick slots will support a certain days of sales demand.
3.0  this will reduce the number of 'mark outs' and 'partial picks'

4.0  will help organize and streamline the replenishment process

5.0  Plus of course, we will slot the item based on its movement and other characteristics.

Once we take your DC to that new and efficient configuration, we will help you maintain that high level of efficiency with a weekly slotting service.

See this link for Data Requirements and the process


Karma Logistics Inc
Minnesota USA
Bangalore India