Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Benefit from these 10 features in our slotting service

Did you know that we employ 10 key features to improve your warehouse slotting productivity?

1.0   3D model with inventory information.

2.0   Built-in Order Picking simulation.

3.0   BEST-FIT heuristics to determine the BEST bulk storage and rack storage solutions for your inventory.

4.0  Layered slotting with high productivity without congestion.

5.0  Our order picking simulation calculates step-by-step travel segments. You can build Engineered labor standards for picking using these accurate travel distances.

6.0  Slotting, Simulation and 3D model functions are inter-related.

7.0  Software is metric-enabled and hence applicable world-wide.

8.0  Built-in layout design and slot-numbering modules.

9.0  Low-cost weekly re-slotting service keeps your DC finely tuned.

10.0  We offer a simple 'data-bridge' to connect to your facilities WMS, Home-grown or SAP .

You can also view the You Tube video below

Monday, August 6, 2012

Double productivity increase - with Best-fit cube and Layered slotting

Most of us that work in the warehousing sector are constantly looking for ways to make it more efficient. 

Do you know why? There are many reasons. But one key reason is that in a Warehouse, we do not increase the VALUE of the product. Both Warehousing and transportation add COSTS to the product.

As SKU’s keep increasing, we keep expanding the sq.feet size of the facility. As we increase the size of the warehouse, it is natural for the order picking costs to increase also. But we know many simple techniques to reduce these costs.

A key culprit – Travel Time

The graphic below shows that about 60% of the total picking time OR inbound put-away time, consists of travel time. This 60% ratio is typical for warehouses in the 100,000 to 150,000 sq.feet range.

If your DC is in the range of 200,000 to 450,000 sq.feet, you can easily assume that 75% of the picking time in your DC is just travel time. As the DC increases in size, we must take a serious look at the cube utilization.

Are we using the correct slot sizes?

Pallet Rack storage (and Bins)

In the graphic below,

** The left most rack design is the most flexible size and is also the most inefficient cube design.
** The right most rack design, gives the best cube design, but is also the most in-flexible.
** Hence, is the rack design shown in the middle provides both flexibility and cube efficiency – to an extent. 

At Karma Logistics, we take your entire inventory of SKU’s, with their Carton dimensions and pallet HI and TI, and heuristically search for the BEST-FIT rack slot sizes.

Bulk storage

If your warehouse is supporting a manufacturing facility, with products palletized and stored directly on the floor (Bulk storage), we take into account the stackabilty of the pallet, pallet dimensions, and aisle dimensions and find the BEST-Case for the storage depth. We search from 3 deep to 24 deep storage configurations to reduce the space loss due to ‘honey-combing”.

Karma Logistics uses these BEST-FIT heuristics to find the BEST options for your DC, based on your inventory and customer orders.  We will not design a layout for your DC based on what we did for another DC with completely different product profiles.

And our built-in order picking simulations makes our technique stand out in our industry. See short simulation video at

Here are the steps to achieve good slotting results.

Step 1.  We start with the outer-most rectangle in the graphic above. Let that represent our current layout.

Step 2.  Using our BEST-FIT heuristic, we find the BEST-FIT slots for our layout. This will also shrink the overall effective region of the layout.

Step 3.  Now, we do the slotting based on HITS (and other criteria like, Family, Case height etc)

Step 4.  To avoid congestion in FAST aisles, we suggest a staggered slotting of ‘A” items across 
different aisles, closer to the dock

Step 5. Not shown in the graphic. As we slot the ‘A” items, we need to maintain enough stock in the pick slot to support 1 or 2 shift pick volume. Otherwise, we will run out of products during the middle of a picking shift. This will demand stock replenishment and also cause partial picks.

Customer testimonial

O & M has been more than satisfied with the results of the software. The big push to finish the project in 18 months has paid off for O & M. Since implementation in all facilities, productivity has improved by 35 percent. “Not all of the improvement can be attributed to the software. However, we recognize that DCO software played a pivotal role in the large productivity gains we have enjoyed.”

Read the full article at this link below:

Slotting made easy – with 3D modeling

YouTube Video - 3D Modeling

We can help you look at your DC, like no one else can.

Karma Logistics uses these BEST-FIT heuristics to find the BEST options for your DC, based on your inventory and customer orders.  We will not design a layout for your DC based on what we did for another DC with completely different product profiles. And our built-in order picking simulations makes our technique stand out in our industry.

Our advanced slotting techniques provides these 3 results;

      1.0  Slot the SKU, based on its attributes and velocity, in the right place in the layout.

      2.0  Slot the SKU in the Right size slot

      3.0  Slot enough pick units to support picking demand in 1 or more shifts.

And we do this with our field-tested software.

651-631-8622 Minnesota